Monday 29 August 2011

18: Living sustainably & harmful substances

FIONA: Are there any harmful substances that people with cancer should avoid?

GUIDES: Yes we could answer this, and no, we are not going to. The reason for this is that what is helpful and what is harmful is unique to an individual. Painting a blanket picture of what is or isn’t good for you is not helpful in this case. We must be mindful not to spread fear into the minds and hearts of those who are already fearful.

It is possible to exist in this environment and maintain health. There are those of you who are living with and/or are surrounded by those who do not have cancer, who dioxins or other environmental toxicity has not necessarily affected. This is important.

Work to be sustainable. This will reduce your contact with a number of environmental pollutants and more importantly it will set in motion the chain by which you were born. Having a soulful connection with the body, with the whole and with the environment. This is a bigger and more fundamental issue than any foodstuff- perhaps even any medicine.


  1. Wishing you happy and healing 2012 Fiona and Zoe! Fiona,thank you for bravely giving this interesting,revealing and very personal material to the world.Much of this information is good for all of us,whether we consider ourselves to be sick or well....or anywhere in between!

    I have a question for the guides please.

    Q....Is there a point during chemotherapy and radio-therapy treatment,at which you can say absolutely that any rogue cancer cells(of the type being treated) have completely gone?

  2. Forest Dream Weaver,

    Thanks for you question. I think it is a great one and will ask it next time I talk to the guides. I am intrigued!

