Thursday, 19 January 2012

19: How nature can help us heal

FIONA: How can one use nature to heal oneself?

GUIDES: You are asking big questions today. We could write a book on this.

FIONA: Just a few pointers, please!

GUIDES: You have evolved from nature and you are nature yourself. You have forgotten that. Remember that. That is the biggest hurdle to stopping a healing response within nature from occurring, to think that you are separate.

The way most of you live it is not surprising that you feel this way. The landscape is, for most of you, for your minds, unconducive to remembering your heritage. Remember, that you are carbon and everything else is carbon. Do with it what you wish, make it, mould it, change it. You cannot alter yourself. This is the first step.

Remember that it is you. You are made of the same materials. You are made of them physically even broken down to the smallest particle. For many of you, who live in cities, it would be useful to even visit a city zoo, to look at the animals and understand that they have eyelashes, fingers (we are speaking of the mammals), eyeballs, and they have a sense of smell, taste, touch, hearing just like you. For others, such as you, Fiona, you may explore your ability to work with nature. You do this anyway. But doing it consciously and directly via a garden allows you to have confidence and takes you into the cycle of life. For some of you this is done as if it is another chore on the to-do list. Often, it is. But that too is a potential.

For those of you who don’t have gardens, open your window and breathe. Everything you need is within you. You are nature; that is the form you take. Nature creates your form and nature will return your form to itself, when you exit. So, everything is there- spread your wings. Should you or others wish to explore this further in the future, these are the main things that anyone in a city can do. Do you wish to take this further now?

FIONA: Do you have any more practical tips?

GUIDES: This is more difficult as the subject is so big. I know you would like a checklist. Let’s give you one of sorts.

1. Understand that nature is you and you are nature and you cannot escape it. You can only escape it when you come back to spirit, when you die. That is also your nature but it is not the nature of form. The world you live in, the bodies that you exist in, that is the natural world. That is your world. Everything you need is in that world. In terms of everything you need to thrive and everything you need to kill yourself. Death is an inevitable part of this world. It is the world of form. It cycles. That is first. It changes not if you are in a tenement block or the jungle. You are part of it.

2. Look for ways that you can connect with this aspect of yourself. This is a mental connection. Physically you are not always connected otherwise you would die e.g. your form needs food and water. You cannot escape this nature that you are in, unless you want to join us.

3. Open your window and breathe. These are all mental tips to reconnect the wiring of who you are, with where you are, and what you are doing. This will promote a healing response in the body; this is what you are looking for, Fiona. You can do this by opening the window and breathing, even in a polluted city. For the healing response is within, it is an understanding of the nature of your reality.

4. Develop a hobby or take visits to a more natural place, whatever that means for you. For some this will be a garden, for some this will be the hills or an ocean. It matters not where. There are different energies and responses for each of these. Simply making a journey is part of the pilgrimage and the ocean or the hill or tree can be the facilitator for your healing much as a person can. So make a pilgrimage, this includes the zoo. We know that for many this may seem distasteful but you will be connected if you can make a connection in your mind with the animals. If you can understand that they are you and you are them. You live on the same earth. You primarily eat the same diet unless you have altered your diet as a human. Look at the parts that you share: eyelashes, nails. Marvel at the majesty of nature and how it can take different forms. Look at your your form and at the forms of others walking around. They are all different. This is as it is to be- different expressions of form. Many of you fight that, but that is for another day.

Those are your practical steps. Perhaps best of all, Fiona, we could tie in some practical steps with the exercise we have already given. This is: sit for 5 minutes and ask the body to prepare itself using the forces of nature. You don’t need to worry about how it works or who is doing what, it will simply happen.


  1. Hi Just wanted to say i have found this blog most inspiring and uplifting. I was dx with both primary and secondary breast cancer back in feb 2011 and have been working hard to fight it ever since part of my battle strategy is receiving spiritual healing, I have always been spiritual all of my life so it came easy to me to seek out a healer and ask for help. I find that I go into 'the zone' when I am with her receiving healing and use this time to go within and meditate on healing myself. I also on ocassion go and see a different practitioner and the last one was a Reiki healer called Jan, she explained to me that some spirit surgeons performed an operation on me whilst I was having my healing with her, she also told me of a doctor who also had attached himself to me and was administering 'old medicine' to me on a daily basis, this came as quite a shock even to someone as accustomed to spirit world as myself. You did mention if any one has any questions I do have quite a lot of questions but thought I could start with asking your guides about spirit surgeons and Dr's can they actually heal us? and what do the guides think about healers generally? Hope all is well with you fiona. Sending you both love and light from sarah xx

  2. Dear Sarah,
    So lovely to hear from you and I am very interested in your journey. What you are going through and the "help" you are seeking and receiving sounds very familiar to me!!
    I will certainly ask those questions at the next session and, I too, will be interested in the response.
    How did you come across this blog ?
    Love, Fiona

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