How can one best know the state of one’s physical body so that you can then know what action is best?
We wish all of you to understand the state of homeostasis, of how you are. This is not just on a physical body level. You need to understand how you are. Full stop.
How do you do that? You make time to ask the question. You make time to listen to the answer. Should the answer be a suggestion of what might help, you give that to yourself. This happens anyway e.g. if too much alcohol is drunk, you will feel that. You will feel tired; an increased need for water, perhaps salt and you will feel and experience a desire for rest. What will you do about that? Will you give yourself what your system needs or give yourself a telling off, “You inflicted this upon yourself, so get on with it!” Your body simply consumed the alcohol because you gave it to it. The body is trying to restore itself back to health. Will you give it its answer?
This is the same for many of you. You are frightened to ask what is wrong. For many of you, what might have happened in the past is scarier than an accumulation of cells called ‘a mass’. Whatever you know to be your truth, go there. It may not seem logical; you may not understand it. But take the time to ask the question, listen and then seek help should you need it. This can be on many, many levels.
The body carries your life experience, your emotions, your thoughts and your belief system, on how you and the universe fit and work together. If something goes wrong within the body then something has gone wrong elsewhere too. Your system is designed to show you where you need to go and whilst you may wish to go straight to the elimination of cells, your system may wish you to take a detour. Or, what feels like a detour. But, go there. For those who are scared, get help with the fear. Allow yourself to have your hand held throughout this.
You are not put on earth by any spiritual force to suffer. No one wants you to suffer. You are not designed – physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually- to suffer. You are designed to reach a low point and bounce back. Everything is there for you to bounce back. Follow your own inner signposts. Get help where you need it.
Including getting into the habit of asking the question: how am I? Including, how to get help accessing the answer. Including, overriding habits from the past that stop you giving yourself what it is you need, as well as medicine and other approaches.
Have we answered this?
Yes. One more question then.
How can one know which treatment is the best for them?
This is a highly personalised question.
There are many routes into healing, through medicine and through other approaches. You need to be mindful that whatever you choose is likely to be a result of your beliefs of how you and the universe fit together. For example, if someone wants to feel good they may choose an apple, or a sugary drink, or a shopping spree, or meditation. All of those choices have no external right or wrong.
For another to judge that one is better is a judgement call based on their belief of how they fit with the universe. Medicine was created to alleviate the suffering of man, so were most religions. Each of you must ask yourself: where do I fit in this universe? What are my beliefs? Be honest! You may wish to be the person who feels better by meditation but the sugary drink might help you feel happier and wasn’t that why you wanted to take something.
Ask yourself honesty: Where is your faith?
If you don’t know, do as much as you can and can afford. If you do know then pursue that option. Do not kid yourself on this. Many of our friends on earth wish to be something that they aren’t. This doesn’t help bring the body back towards life and health in a short time frame.
Have we answered this, Fiona?
Yes. Thank you
You are welcome. Each person must look within. There is no easy answer for anyone. Unless you follow a system but even then you must question it. Regardless of where it comes from, question it and ensure you have a point of harmony with it. This is all for today.
Friday, 6 August 2010
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