Wednesday, 16 January 2013

21: Can energy healing help to cure cancer ?

Hi, Fiona here! I asked these questions of the guides at the end of 2012. Sarah, one of the blog readers suggested them, thanks!! I think they are very interesting. I have and continue to receive various types of energy healing and I believe it has really healped me. ================================================================================== FIONA: Can “spiritual Doctors and [psychic] surgeons” heal physical conditions? GUIDES: Yes. Let us explain how this happens. There is a movement of energy that can be so unique and so transparent that it rewrites what the body, the cell, the organ, is doing. However, the issue here is that the person’s system needs to be able to accept this. How joyful are you? How much can your system sustain energetically? This may seem very, very harsh for some people who would desperately, on reading this, want to find someone who specialises spiritual energetic surgery, who desperately wants to fight for a longer life, a better prognosis? But remember what counts is a better connection with self and how alive do you feel in general. Not all of you at this point are used to having communications with yourself at a deep level and particularly at times when a cancer diagnosis is given or when treatment is undergone. It [prognosis or time undergoing treatment] can have a very disconnecting effect. Where once you might have been able to go within and find answers, the fear of what are facing is enough to disconnect you from the connection you may have once had. As you are all human beings and all mixtures of emotions, we say, “Try everything”! How do you know what you want? It is a bit like an exotic fruit platter, how do you know if it will work for you until you taste it? Now we know this will be controversial in some areas as there is the matter of access to resources. Remember the number one relationship you have is with yourself. The best thing to do is to develop that relationship with self. Choosing things such as chemotherapy is about sustaining that relationship with self as ultimately you choose chemotherapy because you wish to sustain your physical life. It is important that you take all parts of you along with you for that ride; otherwise you could end up, as you know, in an eternal war between wanting and not wanting the medicine. This is the same for any form of treatment. For most of you, things such as healing, people who work with or sense spiritual forces or appear to have spiritual gifts may be on the exotic fruit platter. Try it....but maintain the relationship to self. If you absolutely know you never want to do this and are closed to it then don’t try. If you really are not sure but think you should try then try anyway. If you are willing to try whatever it takes then gorge on the exotic fruit platter. Always keeping a relationship to self and remembering to ask, “Is this right for me?” Remember that your relationship with any practioner, whether a Dr or healer, is of ultimate importance. You must feel good in their company. It is ok to feel challenged in their company but you must feel that they are on your side. This allows you to effectively disarm, this is important especially for energetic interventions. Do you have further questions? FIONA: Do you have to believe in the effectiveness of the healing treatment for it to work? GUIDES: Good question. Do you have to believe in us to read this blog? Do as you wish, accept it, reject it. Listen to your choice in life. Everything is there for you: a healing or an exit plan. We say this with a great deal of mirth. FIONA: What is the best way to choose a spiritual healer? GUIDES: Ask us for help. Start praying to God for miracles. If you believe in God, ask God, if you believe in angels, ask angels. If you believe you are helped by a loved one who has passed over ask them to find the very best on the other side. Or work with a practitioner who has these tools in their toolbox. Unfortunately, at this moment in time you cannot google energy therapists who work with spiritual surgeons and find them as most of them keep this hidden. There are a couple who specialise in this area and promote that. But working with any energy practitioner who is worth their salt will be aligned with your interests therefore will be pulling on resources from spiritual sides and this may include spiritual surgeons. This is not exclusive there are many ways you can utilise spiritual forces to help you heal. Surgery is just the most human of them all. It is a spiritual aspect of what a Dr could do for you. Does this make sense? Within the spiritual realm is everything. Every scientist who walked this earth and ever will, every miracle worker. Pull on it all. When you simply ask for this help and desire it and truly believe, and we mean truly believe then this will be delivered to you. That is the role of Spirit. You can do this by yourself. By lying in bed, in meditation or in prayer, or in nature. You can ask your body to tap into its healing resources as we have described before and it will follow your instructions. Your best relationship is always to yourself. Always the undoing for a human being is an aspect of yourself. So work to deeper states of love, appreciation and self respect. Get help with the aspects of your undoing such as self denial, the person who continues exactly as they were as they undergo treatment or the person who stops everything of their life in order to face this head on. You cannot keep an aspect of yourself separate from the other aspects of you. For that is what you are. You are a mixture of body, mind and spirit. Spiritual Beings in Physical bodies. If you wish to turn around any situation it is useful to utilise all aspects of you. You are at a time in your evolutionary consciousness that you choose to access certain parts more readily than others and for most of you this will mean choosing physical means. For some of you this will include spiritual means but the answers are in the holistic. You cannot separate the spirit from the physical while you are alive: that separation happens in death. Have we gone too far off the topic, Fiona? We suggest that you face things head on. Gather a team of people that you are willing to try and go anyway. There are options for those with limited resources. There are healing groups for those who wish to try healing. There are distance healing groups such as you and Zoe are involved in. Although you to a lesser degree Fiona, you are just a receiver. It works. There are those who will simply help you for it is their calling to help you. FIONA: Can healers permanently cure cancer? GUIDES: You have a modern day person who is famed for this. The spiritual teachers of old were all healers. Your Christian church has taken this and made it holy and given to a few and is associated with those who are saintly. If they are not deemed saintly by the Church then.... The real truth of this from where we see it, remembering that the church is a man made structure, is that all of you are healers in your own bodies. Some of you are excellent healers at triggering the healing effect in others. Does this really exist? Yes. You know this to be true, Fiona. Zoe knows this to be true. Do you wish to put all of your eggs into that basket? If you really want something done, and we pull on your management background here, utilise all avenues open to you. Make the best plan and follow it and you will have the best results. There is no need for people to become addicted to faith healing when previously they only took pain killers, for example. Open all avenues; see what is available to you. When it comes to healers a level of faith that you can heal is very helpful. Not in that healer but in the possibility, call it your body, call it God, call it the healer if you wish. Call it the quantum, we like this. The quantum has no connotation to anything other than great possibility. Tap into the quantum, what does that mean?


  1. HI Fiona, Wanted to say thank you for asking the question and for posting this article it is truly fascinating, I have been going to a healer ever since I was dx with SBC (secondary breast cancer) and feel this has played an important part in my continued stable status, I believe in healing BUT I also believe that we have to do everything we can within our power to survive especially if you have cancer so doing all the conventional treatments like chemo/surgery/rads was always going to be part of my plan in addition to these treatments I also have tried a variety of complementary treatments like acupuncture, reflexology, organic juicing, supplements more recently yoga and I've booked an appointment with a lady that specialises in kinesiology to assess whether or not I need to take any additional supplements or add anything to my diet all of this including my weekly visits to a healer are I believe hugely important to my continued well being and stable status, I am living with breast cancer and doing everything within my power to fight it and survive. Whilst I am receiving the healing I meditate on healing myself and everytime I drink one of my fresh green veg juices I feel the cells in my body power up. Thanks again for such a fascinating article and Happy New Year to you. Sending you and your healers lots of love and light sarah xxxx

  2. Hi,

    I have a quick question about your blog, do you think you could e-mail me?


  3. Fiona and Zoe,
    Thank you for your blog. I am new diagnosed and in SHOCK. Every step is one shock after the next. Although I do see the set up I've been building for myself. Next week I see doctors for opinions on what to do but right now I am really against chemo. I am hearing what they are saying. Perspective. Relationship with myself and what I am telling myself. Right now I'm still with a big part of me that is saying this really isn't happening to me. I guess they call that denial...
    Fiona, I wish you well. I love my body and trust that it is trying to keep me alive.

  4. Jennifer,
    I am not surprised you are in shock!
    I love your thinking and attitude and honesty. Mine has not been a fun ride but learning to "roll with the punches" can help. Thanks for reading the blog. Do post any questions you may have.
    Love and best wishes, Fiona

  5. Thanks Fiona.
    Questions....hmm of course there is the WHY? Lol
    What did I do wrong here?? The million dollar question.
    Mostly how to trust doctors when you're not sold on this as the natural way if things.
    Is denial bad?
    I don't feel like a cancer patient but I look like one now...
    I'm healthy!
