FIONA: Are there any harmful substances that people with cancer should avoid?
GUIDES: Yes we could answer this, and no, we are not going to. The reason for this is that what is helpful and what is harmful is unique to an individual. Painting a blanket picture of what is or isn’t good for you is not helpful in this case. We must be mindful not to spread fear into the minds and hearts of those who are already fearful.
It is possible to exist in this environment and maintain health. There are those of you who are living with and/or are surrounded by those who do not have cancer, who dioxins or other environmental toxicity has not necessarily affected. This is important.
Work to be sustainable. This will reduce your contact with a number of environmental pollutants and more importantly it will set in motion the chain by which you were born. Having a soulful connection with the body, with the whole and with the environment. This is a bigger and more fundamental issue than any foodstuff- perhaps even any medicine.
Monday, 29 August 2011
Monday, 11 July 2011
17: How to help a friend with a diagnosis of cancer
QUESTION FROM FIONA: What is the best way to help a friend who is very ill with cancer?
GUIDES: Ask them. This is the same advice for anyone wishing to help anyone else. Do not assume that you know what needs to be done even if you have gone through something beforehand. Do not assume that what is right for them was also right for you or vice versa.
FIONA: What if they don’t give you a specific answer?
GUIDES: Give them a hug
FIONA: What if they are not in the same country as you?
GUIDES: Give them a phone call. Send them a card. There are many ways to give a hug. Love and support is what is needed.
FIONA: Different people demonstrate love and support in different ways.
GUIDES: They do. Love and support for one person is, "Take this remedy, take this drug, why haven’t you had chemotherapy, try this different drug". For another it is, "How are you?”
If a person is far away from you, you are less likely to be able to offer practical support. However, you can give emotional support. You can ask them if they would like access to information. What we are doing now is providing people with access to information. People you may never meet, Fiona. But, it comes with a hug.
GUIDES: Ask them. This is the same advice for anyone wishing to help anyone else. Do not assume that you know what needs to be done even if you have gone through something beforehand. Do not assume that what is right for them was also right for you or vice versa.
FIONA: What if they don’t give you a specific answer?
GUIDES: Give them a hug
FIONA: What if they are not in the same country as you?
GUIDES: Give them a phone call. Send them a card. There are many ways to give a hug. Love and support is what is needed.
FIONA: Different people demonstrate love and support in different ways.
GUIDES: They do. Love and support for one person is, "Take this remedy, take this drug, why haven’t you had chemotherapy, try this different drug". For another it is, "How are you?”
If a person is far away from you, you are less likely to be able to offer practical support. However, you can give emotional support. You can ask them if they would like access to information. What we are doing now is providing people with access to information. People you may never meet, Fiona. But, it comes with a hug.
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
16: Toxins,chemicals and environmental sustainability
Fiona here: it was interesting to see the links clearly articulated between our personal health and the health of our world. Obvious really!!
QUESTION FROM FIONA: I have read that the chemical dioxin, which is in many substances, in particular plastic water bottles, can cause breast cancer when it leaches into the water from the bottle. Can you comment?
GUIDES REPLY: There is far more of this substance in your environment than any of you realise. The immune system is required to take this out of the body. The creation of a tumour is a result of the immune system not functioning as well as it could have done. It would be helpful if this chemical was cleared from the environment. You are beginning to see the proliferation of the formation of cancers in aquatic life and this is attributed to a number of chemicals, this being one. Let us put a caveat around that fact: we do not say this so that we instil fear into everyone or so that people stop drinking bottled water or stop using any packaged foods. Be mindful however. Ask yourself, “Do I really need this?” whatever it is you are purchasing. Not from a “Do I really need this substance that may give me cancer” perspective but from, do I really need this at all?
There are many similarities between the environmental movement and the world of alternative health. In the years to come this will become more and more pronounced. You are seeing more options that can be easily put into place, reusable water bottle these come in a variety of materials. You can use different methods of collecting, gathering, processing foods using different materials. It is helpful to think about what you are doing with your food. Rather than thinking, I shouldn’t have this for my health, consider the environment. This will take the vibrational fear factor out of the choice to reduce your consumption of foods that are contained within these materials. Have we answered this clearly?
FIONA: Yes. Following on, what is the best way to accelerate the link between concern for our health and concern for the environment?
GUIDES: What a marvellous question! This makes us feel like dancing. You are not separate from your environment. As your environment fails so you fail. This is a larger question than you have realised.
Taking care of oneself, the expansion of this is taking care of the immediate environment, of food going into the body, of one’s home and how you are looking after your home, or not. You are an expansive being. You exist within form and then you exist within layers of form. What do we mean by this?
You exist within a body. Those of you seeking to heal the body may only be concerned with this level. In actual fact you exist within the body and you also exist within the home. You also exist within the environment and on the earth. As you affect one you affect the others. This has been thought inconsequential to health but studies of toxicity will change your minds on this in the years to come.
Where you look at the impact on your way of living on the environment around you and how that then begins to impact you. Dioxins are one of those examples. Simply know that those of you who wish to align themselves to health and sustainability on the level of form, of body, of form for home, of form of earth will open up ways of being to make that a possibility. We hear many questions on health and in our expanded network on the environment.
Take care of yourselves, your homes, and the earth. This will help you take care of the earth, your homes, and your bodies. You are all connected and everything you do comes back to you. This is on the level of energy, on the level of health and on the level of ill health. Do you wish to take this further now?
FIONA: What are the top practical pointers for people?
GUIDES: Think of the theory of sustainability and apply it to yourself, not just on the level of health, on the level of form that you exist in. Be sustainable in your home; be as sustainable as you can in your impact on the environment. This will have the natural consequence of helping you sustain your health. Even although you may have a diagnosis of cancer or someone you know may have a diagnosis of cancer, you are still healthy. You are healthy until your moment of passing.
QUESTION FROM FIONA: I have read that the chemical dioxin, which is in many substances, in particular plastic water bottles, can cause breast cancer when it leaches into the water from the bottle. Can you comment?
GUIDES REPLY: There is far more of this substance in your environment than any of you realise. The immune system is required to take this out of the body. The creation of a tumour is a result of the immune system not functioning as well as it could have done. It would be helpful if this chemical was cleared from the environment. You are beginning to see the proliferation of the formation of cancers in aquatic life and this is attributed to a number of chemicals, this being one. Let us put a caveat around that fact: we do not say this so that we instil fear into everyone or so that people stop drinking bottled water or stop using any packaged foods. Be mindful however. Ask yourself, “Do I really need this?” whatever it is you are purchasing. Not from a “Do I really need this substance that may give me cancer” perspective but from, do I really need this at all?
There are many similarities between the environmental movement and the world of alternative health. In the years to come this will become more and more pronounced. You are seeing more options that can be easily put into place, reusable water bottle these come in a variety of materials. You can use different methods of collecting, gathering, processing foods using different materials. It is helpful to think about what you are doing with your food. Rather than thinking, I shouldn’t have this for my health, consider the environment. This will take the vibrational fear factor out of the choice to reduce your consumption of foods that are contained within these materials. Have we answered this clearly?
FIONA: Yes. Following on, what is the best way to accelerate the link between concern for our health and concern for the environment?
GUIDES: What a marvellous question! This makes us feel like dancing. You are not separate from your environment. As your environment fails so you fail. This is a larger question than you have realised.
Taking care of oneself, the expansion of this is taking care of the immediate environment, of food going into the body, of one’s home and how you are looking after your home, or not. You are an expansive being. You exist within form and then you exist within layers of form. What do we mean by this?
You exist within a body. Those of you seeking to heal the body may only be concerned with this level. In actual fact you exist within the body and you also exist within the home. You also exist within the environment and on the earth. As you affect one you affect the others. This has been thought inconsequential to health but studies of toxicity will change your minds on this in the years to come.
Where you look at the impact on your way of living on the environment around you and how that then begins to impact you. Dioxins are one of those examples. Simply know that those of you who wish to align themselves to health and sustainability on the level of form, of body, of form for home, of form of earth will open up ways of being to make that a possibility. We hear many questions on health and in our expanded network on the environment.
Take care of yourselves, your homes, and the earth. This will help you take care of the earth, your homes, and your bodies. You are all connected and everything you do comes back to you. This is on the level of energy, on the level of health and on the level of ill health. Do you wish to take this further now?
FIONA: What are the top practical pointers for people?
GUIDES: Think of the theory of sustainability and apply it to yourself, not just on the level of health, on the level of form that you exist in. Be sustainable in your home; be as sustainable as you can in your impact on the environment. This will have the natural consequence of helping you sustain your health. Even although you may have a diagnosis of cancer or someone you know may have a diagnosis of cancer, you are still healthy. You are healthy until your moment of passing.
Monday, 16 May 2011
15: Living with an open heart or how to be happy....
Fiona here: the snake referred to towards the end of the article is one I saw coming out of the sacred waterfall towards me, in Brazil, as I was bathing in it. A snake is often held to be a symbol of transformation and healing. The waterfall, near to the Casa of John of God, is a healing and sacred place full of many nature spirits and very high energy.
Please post any questions you would like to to ask in the comments section as I am running out of questions!
FIONA: Many people talk of living life with an open heart. What does this mean?
GUIDES: In a practical sense it means enjoying yourself. It means not shirking the responsibilities of life when they need to be looked after e.g. not ignoring your tax return, but it means finding joy in completing your tax return. There is much misunderstanding in this area. How can you find joy in completing your tax return? There are many ways. You can play music, you can reward yourself afterwards, you can ask for help, you can give it to someone else to do- that may feel joyful for you, you can complete it yourself without any help and achieve a sense of satisfaction.
Living with an open heart is, in essence, living your life head on and accepting it. Not in the way of a martyr but in the way of a grateful student. Have we made sense? We may continue on this in the future. We are happy to do so.
Happiness, like health, for most people, is something they expect another person to give them. This cannot be the case. The source of happiness and the source of health are within. There are only aids to happiness and health that can be sought in the outside world, the world that is outside of your own physical form.
We will take an example for you, Fiona. For you, seeing something, as wondrous to us as a snake could have been terrifying yet now you choose to see it as a symbol, something completely different. Hence the importance of keeping spirits up. When the spirit is kept up it is easy to keep the heart open and therefore to meet life as it happens for you in a positive way. The snake was always just a snake.
FIONA:Thank You.
Please post any questions you would like to to ask in the comments section as I am running out of questions!
FIONA: Many people talk of living life with an open heart. What does this mean?
GUIDES: In a practical sense it means enjoying yourself. It means not shirking the responsibilities of life when they need to be looked after e.g. not ignoring your tax return, but it means finding joy in completing your tax return. There is much misunderstanding in this area. How can you find joy in completing your tax return? There are many ways. You can play music, you can reward yourself afterwards, you can ask for help, you can give it to someone else to do- that may feel joyful for you, you can complete it yourself without any help and achieve a sense of satisfaction.
Living with an open heart is, in essence, living your life head on and accepting it. Not in the way of a martyr but in the way of a grateful student. Have we made sense? We may continue on this in the future. We are happy to do so.
Happiness, like health, for most people, is something they expect another person to give them. This cannot be the case. The source of happiness and the source of health are within. There are only aids to happiness and health that can be sought in the outside world, the world that is outside of your own physical form.
We will take an example for you, Fiona. For you, seeing something, as wondrous to us as a snake could have been terrifying yet now you choose to see it as a symbol, something completely different. Hence the importance of keeping spirits up. When the spirit is kept up it is easy to keep the heart open and therefore to meet life as it happens for you in a positive way. The snake was always just a snake.
FIONA:Thank You.
Friday, 11 March 2011
14:Surrender & the power of the mind
Here is the next information download from the guides. Please post any questions you may have in the comments section and join as a follower. Fiona
FIONA: Many people speak of “the secret“ to spontaneous remission from cancer, being when you completely surrender to God.
Can you shed any light on this?
GUIDES: Yes, it is akin to death, a death of the living, before a life is taken. It’s a complete surrendering, a faith, a trust. An absolute knowing of what will be, will be. A facing of mortality.
This is terrifying for many people, particularly to those who have no profound faith in God or a Being, or a force such as God. You have felt this. Are you prepared for God to take your life? When you say “Yes”, the surrender process happens and you are able to get on with the business of living. It is a good way of being. You often have images of a grim reaper that simply appears. In some ways, this process is becoming friends with the grim reaper and understanding there is no fear from this, simply a transition. From a physiological perspective the relief at not having to play God with yourself is so immense it can, occasionally, and we say occasionally, create cataclysmic change within the body. This can be known as a spontaneous remission.
What do we mean by playing God?
Thinking that you actually have the deciding factor of whether you die or not. Life is best lived in combination with a faith in a force that directs and guides all living and dying processes. This does not take away any of your ability to make choices, except for the final one. This can be devastating for some people. For it is as if they forget that at some stage they will have to exit. Not this time, not this way, they may say. Do you understand this? Getting in touch with the body and having faith in the cycles of life is a very good combination for restoring greater levels of health. Do you wish to ask us more on this?
FIONA: Yes, you mentioned it is about having an absolute knowing that there is a higher power. How does one achieve this?
GUIDES: For those who do not have this already, this is called the process of surrender. You cannot get this as you can a packet of a food substance. But you can fall on your knees and say there is something that controls the cycles of the sun, the cycles of the moon. There is something greater than me. It is my time to meet this and whatever this means for me. Can I trust that I will be ok?
The truth is that there is only ever the mind to tell you that you cannot ever be ok. The sun and the moon, the stars and the flowers, do not ask these questions. But you must. For all of you who wish to relieve your own suffering- there comes a point where you feel like you may break. If this is the path that feels like it is ahead of you: Allow yourself to break. We will be with you. It feels like a death but you will not die from this process. You will have an opportunity to be reborn into a more peaceful state. If this will mean an improvement in health: so be it. If it will not: so be that too. Remember that in the end, death cannot be cheated. Also, remember, you are only exiting a form; we really are not that bad!
FIONA: You mentioned that it is the mind that gets in the way of our having complete trust. Do you have any practical ways to overcome this?
GUIDES: Be mindful of the small voice within. Let it be heard by you. Within the medical sphere ask the questions that are burning within. Do not lose your mind in this process. Question and question the answers until there are no more burning questions left within. Your body is yours. Many of you often feel like pin cushions, or slaves to tablets and times, and hospitals. This is not the case. Start by listening to the voice and allowing yourself to ask the questions that are within. This is a good place to start.
FIONA: But many of us do feel like pin cushions and at the mercy of tablets and hospitals. Why is this not really the case? Can you elaborate?
GUIDES: It is not the case as they are not being tortured, free will has not been taken away, and they are not strapped to a bed and told they cannot move. This is medicine that is chosen. All of you who, at times, feel at the mercy of medicine, understand that this is a choice you are making in the hope that there will be healing from this. So be thankful for the options that are there as well as your ability to make choices. You are not being tortured or having your life taken away from you by Drs.
Keeping ones spirit alive to help keep one’s mind clear during treatment times is very important. Ask yourself: What would make me feel a little bit happier today? Give yourself that. This need not be anything strenuous or involving great monetary value. Simply an afternoon movie, a book, a smile, a breath of fresh air. Keep your spirits up. Work to keep your spirits up. Your suffering will be greatly alleviated from the mind. All of you have the option to talk to us. We listen and listen willingly and with kind ears.
FIONA: Many people speak of “the secret“ to spontaneous remission from cancer, being when you completely surrender to God.
Can you shed any light on this?
GUIDES: Yes, it is akin to death, a death of the living, before a life is taken. It’s a complete surrendering, a faith, a trust. An absolute knowing of what will be, will be. A facing of mortality.
This is terrifying for many people, particularly to those who have no profound faith in God or a Being, or a force such as God. You have felt this. Are you prepared for God to take your life? When you say “Yes”, the surrender process happens and you are able to get on with the business of living. It is a good way of being. You often have images of a grim reaper that simply appears. In some ways, this process is becoming friends with the grim reaper and understanding there is no fear from this, simply a transition. From a physiological perspective the relief at not having to play God with yourself is so immense it can, occasionally, and we say occasionally, create cataclysmic change within the body. This can be known as a spontaneous remission.
What do we mean by playing God?
Thinking that you actually have the deciding factor of whether you die or not. Life is best lived in combination with a faith in a force that directs and guides all living and dying processes. This does not take away any of your ability to make choices, except for the final one. This can be devastating for some people. For it is as if they forget that at some stage they will have to exit. Not this time, not this way, they may say. Do you understand this? Getting in touch with the body and having faith in the cycles of life is a very good combination for restoring greater levels of health. Do you wish to ask us more on this?
FIONA: Yes, you mentioned it is about having an absolute knowing that there is a higher power. How does one achieve this?
GUIDES: For those who do not have this already, this is called the process of surrender. You cannot get this as you can a packet of a food substance. But you can fall on your knees and say there is something that controls the cycles of the sun, the cycles of the moon. There is something greater than me. It is my time to meet this and whatever this means for me. Can I trust that I will be ok?
The truth is that there is only ever the mind to tell you that you cannot ever be ok. The sun and the moon, the stars and the flowers, do not ask these questions. But you must. For all of you who wish to relieve your own suffering- there comes a point where you feel like you may break. If this is the path that feels like it is ahead of you: Allow yourself to break. We will be with you. It feels like a death but you will not die from this process. You will have an opportunity to be reborn into a more peaceful state. If this will mean an improvement in health: so be it. If it will not: so be that too. Remember that in the end, death cannot be cheated. Also, remember, you are only exiting a form; we really are not that bad!
FIONA: You mentioned that it is the mind that gets in the way of our having complete trust. Do you have any practical ways to overcome this?
GUIDES: Be mindful of the small voice within. Let it be heard by you. Within the medical sphere ask the questions that are burning within. Do not lose your mind in this process. Question and question the answers until there are no more burning questions left within. Your body is yours. Many of you often feel like pin cushions, or slaves to tablets and times, and hospitals. This is not the case. Start by listening to the voice and allowing yourself to ask the questions that are within. This is a good place to start.
FIONA: But many of us do feel like pin cushions and at the mercy of tablets and hospitals. Why is this not really the case? Can you elaborate?
GUIDES: It is not the case as they are not being tortured, free will has not been taken away, and they are not strapped to a bed and told they cannot move. This is medicine that is chosen. All of you who, at times, feel at the mercy of medicine, understand that this is a choice you are making in the hope that there will be healing from this. So be thankful for the options that are there as well as your ability to make choices. You are not being tortured or having your life taken away from you by Drs.
Keeping ones spirit alive to help keep one’s mind clear during treatment times is very important. Ask yourself: What would make me feel a little bit happier today? Give yourself that. This need not be anything strenuous or involving great monetary value. Simply an afternoon movie, a book, a smile, a breath of fresh air. Keep your spirits up. Work to keep your spirits up. Your suffering will be greatly alleviated from the mind. All of you have the option to talk to us. We listen and listen willingly and with kind ears.
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