Wednesday, 8 September 2010

10: Which diet should I follow?

Dear Readers, I would love some of your questions to ask the guides. Please post them in the comments section. Thanks!

Chanelled session

Diet is often considered to be a key element of healing from cancer. However, much of the information on diet is contradictory. What do you think?

Diet is a way to support the body, choosing food as a way to boost the immune system and as a way to calm the system is very helpful. However, often, some of the diets that are chosen have a shock affect. We don’t see these as necessarily helpful. Often, the thought that one might have cancer is so scary that it is avoided. The diagnosis of cancer is always a shock, this has a destabilising effect. To then try a route of healing which has a shock value can also have a destabilising effect. We would suggest that the work is done to bring you towards enjoyment of life. If you mean do we think you should eat celery sticks instead of chocolate bars, we would ask you to look at your relationship to the celery stick and chocolate bar.


How should one balance giving the body good nutrition with ensuring fun in one’s life which could include eating chocolate and cake?

When someone is diagnosed with cancer they will then often find out about dietary methods for healing the body. Diet programs that are promoted as beneficial may be extreme for an individual because it in no way resembles what they have eaten before. This may be a shock. If it is this will destabilise the system.
We see no, if little, benefit in this.

If you choose to try this, then try it for several days to ensure that you at least get a feel good factor, a boost, a cleansing of the body. Food is not just a mechanism for providing nutrition. Food is a way that you express yourself with yourself. To deny yourself is to deny the life force within. This does not mean that we advocate that you eat a chocolate cake a day either. Some would rather eat a celery stick.

There has been a saying around diet for thousands of years: “moderation in all things”. We suggest that is a more healthy way. Unfortunately, often, when a diagnosis is given or treatment commences, one’s sense of self becomes lost and one does not know which way to turn. Turn within. Do what feels right. If this is lost to you and you do not know which way to go, try things. If they affirm life for you, then continue. If they make life feel worth less than before, then desist. Is this clear, Fiona?

Yes. I understand this; however, there are many studies on the healing qualities of certain foods, diets and supplements such as superfoods, algae, and wheatgrass proving that they have a beneficial effect. How does this work?

Belief! They believe they will do better on them. They believe these superfoods will heal their body. Therefore it is a life affirming choice. We are not saying that, if a group of people who did not have a diagnosis hanging over them were to switch to a raw food diet that they would not feel better. Within the body there would be potentially an increase in cognitive function, in life force, but these are people who would willingly follow this diet. To give this type of diet to someone who has, in your language, an addiction to sugars or carbohydrates would shock the system further. Some might say but this is what is needed. At times we might agree. However when the system is destabilised giving further destabilising factors cannot be helpful.

For those who believe there is benefit in algae, in other forms of foods, eat this food! Ingest your faith and belief in this food. This will help you. For those who eat it and hate every mouthful- desist. Does this make sense, Fiona?

Food is not simply molecules of nutrients; you have a relationship to food. It affects you physically, emotionally, mentally. If we could just take some cells out of your body and take them away from your mind and your heart, then who knows what spirulina could do. But we cannot do that; you cannot do that. This is why throughout time the concept of a balance was recommended, so there is enough of one and enough of another, for a human being to feel good, on all levels.

Whilst there are information pockets on the benefits of nutrition we also hear the cries of those who follow these regimens and do not get better. Hence our desire to complete the information loops on this matter.

Those who do not get better from their mangosteen often turn to us in despair. We use terminology such as spirulina and mangosteen as examples, not as specifics. Both were also created by God, just like you. There needs to be a rounding of information so that the hopes and dreams do not go down avenues that prove fruitless. Blame is not left at the door of those who seem unable to beat their cancer.

We think you will get lots of comments on this one, Fiona.