Background to the call: Fiona has bad cough and is feeling congested in the chest.
GUIDES: Fiona, have you enjoyed this process so far?
GUIDES: Have you felt the effects of working with our words?
GUIDES: This is good. This is what we are looking for through this project, the information but also the knowledge of no separation between you in your form and us in our form. To an extent we are like a continuum and the support that can be received from us is great. We will help alleviate your symptoms for now. Understand that the body needs time to recharge. You have pushed yourself a little bit hence your virus.
Not all models see virus’s as necessary evils, some see them as good vehicles for cleansing, so choose to take your virus as a cleansing. We have enjoyed watching you work with this material and enjoyed feeling your feeling response. We are pleased with it and we wish to proceed. Do you have a question for us today?
This is a very good question. Yes and no. Yes, in terms of the body has become imbalanced and the body is geared up, as we have spoken before, to maintain levels of balance, therefore levels of health. However, sometimes spiritually there can be a misunderstanding. There can be a time, a lesson that can be learned in a specific moment and one of the ways to stop physical life is with an illness. We have situations where someone can be wishing a situation to happen that we might call a spiritual matter; such as, time for themselves, opportunities to become happier. The way they choose to give this to themselves is through the vehicle of illness. This is not necessarily caused by negative emotions; this is caused by a willingness to take a jump to the next sphere or phase of being. Therefore, it can become an opportunity to stop, assess and move forward. You have experienced this at times, many alive have experienced this, and Zoë has experienced this. So illness is not always brought on through negative states. It can be brought on to bring forward a positive state.
This is what we hope this information will provide. It will provide people with information. Understand that, for as long as you are alive, wake up to living. Give yourself what you need and perhaps you can come back to life fully without your diagnosis. Of course this is only a partial truth, for all of you will come and meet your spiritual friends after a time.
So, it would be better to state that negative emotions cause difficulties for the body to recover from. They make the system heavy, they can change the physiological functioning’s of the body and over time this can create difficulties for the body in maintaining health. Work has been done to show that specific negative emotions over time can lead to specific illnesses. This gives you an indication of the effect of negative thinking on your body. All of you, however, understand that you just need to have a bad day and see how your body feels to see the effects of mind on the body.
Similarly, you just need to hear good news to understand the effects on the body; for it is often expressed through physical exhilaration such as a hop and a skip. From a perspective of illness, where does illness arise? We have been asked the question before. Does illness arise from a breakdown between spirit and individual? This is far broader and, therefore, more correct than, “Does all illness arise from negative emotions?” For illness can arise as a gift to self. Does this make sense?
Let us take this a little bit further and say that: if you simply wake up to life and wake up to your needs and give yourself those, you will not need illness as a vehicle, even for soul progression. Let us take your question.
GUIDES: Fear! Oh! Fear and cancer. Fear of living. What is it like to be fearful and living? What are its consequences? The irony is that for many people they are fearful of living. The consequence to life is death yet most people who are fearful of living are actually fearful of death.
The misunderstanding is that there are levels of death. The physical death that you all will experience and that many of you are fearful of, we prefer to call exiting, as we have explained before. But fear of death can be fear of death of form, of status, of job, of partner, of wealth, of funding, of size, we could go on. This fear of death of form in the physical world leads to a fear of life. We know this is a pertinent question for you, Fiona. But it is also a question that everyone who is given the diagnosis of cancer should ask themselves. For being fearful of life opens up the connection to exit.
So, what is being fearful of forms of life? It is simply an expression of being devoid of an authentic connection to self. For if you are fearful of losing something which is outside of yourself e.g. many people of fearful of losing their homes, their jobs. What happens if someone does lose their home? The mind equates this loss with death yet the body will not die. The mind equates this fear of losing career with death yet the body will not die. However, a connection is opened up for effectively it is what you are choosing. Put enough fears together and you will affect your functioning. The body will become heightened, unable to relax, unable to have pleasure for itself. When this happens, over time the body will become tired. Whilst this is an experience that the body can have, it is meant for short periods of time only.
This is why we say that the way that you live now, many of you, as a species, is different from the way you were designed to be. Many take that to understand that their diet is different or that they put sprays or pharmaceuticals into their bodies. But really the body is designed to be healthy and relaxed; healthy in relaxation, healthy in its ability to process substances that are not entirely healthful. You weren’t also meant to eat stone, yet your ancestors did it. There are many cases of what has been consumed in the past or the present that the body was not designed for yet the body copes marvellously.
It is a matter of the body in heightened states for periods of time that is was not designed for, therefore it is unable to return to its balance. This is what perpetual states of fear produce within the body. The states start off as more minor imbalances; more minor in that they may affect the digestive organs, they may affect the skin, certainly the cognitive functioning and the ability to hold focus. It takes a lot to manifest a mass that you would call cancer.
Ask us more questions on this, for we could talk for a long time and we may not give you the answer you are looking for.
Monday, 14 December 2009
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
2: Maintaining the connection to life
Inreoduction by Fiona: This is part two of the initial conversation I had with the guides. It is a continuation of the themes in blog 1.
GUIDES: Fiona, do you wish to ask us questions on this, for we understand this is controversial in meaning for most?
GUIDES: The wiring, that which is most bearable to endure. You tend to find that there are those that would prefer one over the other. This is interesting. We would rather all of you, as a species, preferred living whilst you are living and understood that death is merely a passing. But this is not the current psyche, for most, at present.
GUIDES: Their progression on an eternal level plus how that interacts with the accumulation of their choices on earth. You see, this can be turned around. This is the work that people like you seek to do. This work only starts with a diagnosis. So, the diagnosis becomes a scary friend for some and a very real and believable exit clause for others.
GUIDES: There are many factors in this. And there will those who wish this answer to be given so that it applies for them individually. This may not apply to those who believe they are doing it for this is a twofold reality. There are those who the exit clause is a stronger pull than the living clause. You see, understand that when the body has manifested its first defence against living there is a strength of connection towards the exit, so the strength of connection towards living needs to at least match that. This can be determined by, in some cases, the progression of the illness. For some it is a train that cannot be stopped and, they blame the body, they blame the medication but really the connection to the exit is too strong. For many of these people, those are the people who simply accept the situation and understand that the end is nigh.
For others, the change in the body, the diagnosis, the connection to the exit is enough for ‘a wake up’, an opportunity to have a personal revolution and for some this will mean that conventional treatment will be effective, for the ‘wake up’ has occurred and the connection to life has been re-established. These people, these individuals may in their choices choose other means too, alternative means, natural means. The means of recovery is not what is important; it is the strength of connection to living and to exiting.
Now let us clarify something: you are eternal, so your strength to exiting is not what you experience on the initial fear of diagnosis. It is not a bad thing. Yet when faced with it in a human way it feels like a very bad thing. There is often so much left to do, to be said. So, the strength of connection to exit is different from how it is perceived by you when you are held in a fearful state over exiting.
Are we making this clear, Fiona?
GUIDES: For us, there is no better way for you to be. For us, cancer is simply a mechanism within the body that provides one with an exit clause within life. It does not exist in spirit. Its equivalent would be birth!
Let us recap that: the strength of connection to life or to exiting is crucial. There is an expectation on diagnosis that one must fight that one must do all one can to get over this horrible illness. But the destination of this horrible illness is one that all of you will meet. We are not bad over here; you know that, you’ve all been here.
GUIDES: For most of you, you are devoid of your reality. This is why cancer is the, or one of the, scariest illnesses you can manifest within the body, be diagnosed with. There are others too, such as AIDS that have equal levels of horror on diagnosis. You are eternal and your life here is temporary and it is as if you never realised that when a diagnosis is given. So there is a forgetting of your eternal spiritual nature and often a diagnosis such as cancer gives you an opportunity to remember that this is only partly real or rather real for a short period of time.
The response to certain illnesses can be devastating and it is as if you forget that you all must exit. In times gone by, and for a few who currently live amongst you, there was the understanding that you were born, you would have opportunities, and then you would die. You have a saying: “death and taxes”.
We wish you to understand that cancer seems to hit hardest those of you who are devoid of the reality of life which is birth, living and death. And this is important, for it is usually those who have become lost in life i.e. they live in their heads, that can be hit with cancer.
Your question, Fiona?
GUIDES: Yes, but they have chosen a connection to life. They have turned around a connection. We would prefer to use “exit” rather than “death”, for there is no death, there’s only death of a temporary form, so we will continue to use “exit”. Those that you mention now have chosen a greater connection to life than they have to exit and this does not need fairy dust. This can for some, depending on the strength of the connection, be enough to turn a body around, but understand that the body can be tired if choices have been made that have consistently deafened, muted and sickened the body. Lots of you think that your body has hurt you, your body has abandoned you, some of you may think that spirit has hurt you, spirit has abandoned you. There can be no abandoning from spirit; we are always right beside you and we are at the end of every exit.
Bodies, however, can get tired. So, the real question is for all of you....This is not simply just a matter for those of you who have been diagnosed with this illness but for all of you as a species. Will you, in life, wake up to yourself?
This does not mean waking up to spirit in life- being devoid of the body is as much a form of punishment as over eating and over drinking. Waking up to yourself in life means honouring the form you have. Honouring the wishes and desires that are truly yours, not your parents, not society’s not your peer groups. Will you allow yourself to live whilst alive? Or will you remove yourself from your reality and create a life that has no nourishment for you in it. This is a punishment for the body and the body will simply respond with consequence. For you, through your choices, may make it impossible for the body to restore its balance. You may switch off, without realising it, the bodies homeostasis.
Fiona, this is all for today. We wish you to keep your questions and refine them with the information we have given you. You are absolutely on track with this and we understand that this will help you as you bring this information through for others. We know the light bulb has already gone off for you and this is our desire for you: to be the body for us, for this. So as your body provides you with a vehicle to exist whilst here on earth, please provide us with an opportunity to provide these messages here on earth. Goodbye
GUIDES: Fiona, do you wish to ask us questions on this, for we understand this is controversial in meaning for most?
GUIDES: The wiring, that which is most bearable to endure. You tend to find that there are those that would prefer one over the other. This is interesting. We would rather all of you, as a species, preferred living whilst you are living and understood that death is merely a passing. But this is not the current psyche, for most, at present.
GUIDES: Their progression on an eternal level plus how that interacts with the accumulation of their choices on earth. You see, this can be turned around. This is the work that people like you seek to do. This work only starts with a diagnosis. So, the diagnosis becomes a scary friend for some and a very real and believable exit clause for others.
GUIDES: There are many factors in this. And there will those who wish this answer to be given so that it applies for them individually. This may not apply to those who believe they are doing it for this is a twofold reality. There are those who the exit clause is a stronger pull than the living clause. You see, understand that when the body has manifested its first defence against living there is a strength of connection towards the exit, so the strength of connection towards living needs to at least match that. This can be determined by, in some cases, the progression of the illness. For some it is a train that cannot be stopped and, they blame the body, they blame the medication but really the connection to the exit is too strong. For many of these people, those are the people who simply accept the situation and understand that the end is nigh.
For others, the change in the body, the diagnosis, the connection to the exit is enough for ‘a wake up’, an opportunity to have a personal revolution and for some this will mean that conventional treatment will be effective, for the ‘wake up’ has occurred and the connection to life has been re-established. These people, these individuals may in their choices choose other means too, alternative means, natural means. The means of recovery is not what is important; it is the strength of connection to living and to exiting.
Now let us clarify something: you are eternal, so your strength to exiting is not what you experience on the initial fear of diagnosis. It is not a bad thing. Yet when faced with it in a human way it feels like a very bad thing. There is often so much left to do, to be said. So, the strength of connection to exit is different from how it is perceived by you when you are held in a fearful state over exiting.
Are we making this clear, Fiona?
GUIDES: For us, there is no better way for you to be. For us, cancer is simply a mechanism within the body that provides one with an exit clause within life. It does not exist in spirit. Its equivalent would be birth!
Let us recap that: the strength of connection to life or to exiting is crucial. There is an expectation on diagnosis that one must fight that one must do all one can to get over this horrible illness. But the destination of this horrible illness is one that all of you will meet. We are not bad over here; you know that, you’ve all been here.
GUIDES: For most of you, you are devoid of your reality. This is why cancer is the, or one of the, scariest illnesses you can manifest within the body, be diagnosed with. There are others too, such as AIDS that have equal levels of horror on diagnosis. You are eternal and your life here is temporary and it is as if you never realised that when a diagnosis is given. So there is a forgetting of your eternal spiritual nature and often a diagnosis such as cancer gives you an opportunity to remember that this is only partly real or rather real for a short period of time.
The response to certain illnesses can be devastating and it is as if you forget that you all must exit. In times gone by, and for a few who currently live amongst you, there was the understanding that you were born, you would have opportunities, and then you would die. You have a saying: “death and taxes”.
We wish you to understand that cancer seems to hit hardest those of you who are devoid of the reality of life which is birth, living and death. And this is important, for it is usually those who have become lost in life i.e. they live in their heads, that can be hit with cancer.
Your question, Fiona?
GUIDES: Yes, but they have chosen a connection to life. They have turned around a connection. We would prefer to use “exit” rather than “death”, for there is no death, there’s only death of a temporary form, so we will continue to use “exit”. Those that you mention now have chosen a greater connection to life than they have to exit and this does not need fairy dust. This can for some, depending on the strength of the connection, be enough to turn a body around, but understand that the body can be tired if choices have been made that have consistently deafened, muted and sickened the body. Lots of you think that your body has hurt you, your body has abandoned you, some of you may think that spirit has hurt you, spirit has abandoned you. There can be no abandoning from spirit; we are always right beside you and we are at the end of every exit.
Bodies, however, can get tired. So, the real question is for all of you....This is not simply just a matter for those of you who have been diagnosed with this illness but for all of you as a species. Will you, in life, wake up to yourself?
This does not mean waking up to spirit in life- being devoid of the body is as much a form of punishment as over eating and over drinking. Waking up to yourself in life means honouring the form you have. Honouring the wishes and desires that are truly yours, not your parents, not society’s not your peer groups. Will you allow yourself to live whilst alive? Or will you remove yourself from your reality and create a life that has no nourishment for you in it. This is a punishment for the body and the body will simply respond with consequence. For you, through your choices, may make it impossible for the body to restore its balance. You may switch off, without realising it, the bodies homeostasis.
Fiona, this is all for today. We wish you to keep your questions and refine them with the information we have given you. You are absolutely on track with this and we understand that this will help you as you bring this information through for others. We know the light bulb has already gone off for you and this is our desire for you: to be the body for us, for this. So as your body provides you with a vehicle to exist whilst here on earth, please provide us with an opportunity to provide these messages here on earth. Goodbye
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
1: What is Cancer ?
Introduction by Fiona: This is the first blog containing the information channelled by Zoe and collated by Fiona. Zoe lives in Australia and Fiona in the UK so while it is evening for Zoe, it is morning for Fiona. We set up a phone link to do this work.
GUIDES: Good Morning, Fiona, Good Evening, Zoe
Today we begin our conversation and hope to help others by shedding a little light, from a spiritual perspective, on cancer. We are part of the spiritual force; when you give us your thoughts, desires, worries, troubles, we hear them. We are like the in-between- you- and- God. We understand that this is a topic that is hotly contested. It is a sore point for humanity and there is much misunderstanding about why we have this, why you endure this and how you can help to create lives around, through, with and get over this illness.
So, let us begin. Cancer is a mechanism that is natural within the body. It is not an ogre or a demon. It has not been sent to humanity as a punishment. It is simply a mechanism within the body that rises and falls; as blood sugar rises, as blood sugar falls. The body is designed for this. The body understands that it moves from peaks to troughs in order to find its own homeostasis. When cancer takes hold and forms what you would call ‘a mass’ there has been a break in the homeostasis of the body: there has been a rising without the fall.
Now we wish to speak generally on this topic. We wish to shed light on the prevalence of this topic. These are broad strokes that we paint with. But our hope and belief is that each of you, as you read this information, will take away something that will help you return to balance. That may even provide you with a breakthrough to help your body achieve better levels of this homeostasis that we speak about.
This level of homeostasis is different from what a medical professional would describe as ‘homeostasis’ but the concept is broadly the same. So understanding that the body simply moves in cycles is crucial. There will be risings and falls in every system. There are days when you can be said to have cancer or days when you can be free of cancers, that you will feel better in body and feel worse in body. There are days where muscles work better and muscles work less whether you have had a diagnosis or not. This is simply the process of homeostasis. So, let us take this foreward.
Your body is a vehicle which was designed to function in this dimension that you call ‘earth’. This vehicle was designed with a different environment in mind and it was designed to provide you with stealth and performance. You are united with your body for as long as you are in earthly life. This union, for as long as it lasts, is a very strong union and it takes a lot to break this union. Have you ever wondered how much abuse a body can take? We marvel at the miraculous comebacks of the body. Now, many of you may be reading this and praying and hoping for a comeback from your situation.
We say that the body can always comeback; it is just a matter of extent. Think about what you have done with your body in the past. How you have pushed it, how you might have over exercised it, over fed it, given it too much alcohol. Think about how you have not moved your body in the past and your body has become weakened, lethargic and, we would say, very passive. You may have come back from that. The body itself requires you to do one thing: Listen to its needs. And here is where the problem arises. Here is why we speak on this matter.
To summarise the entire contents of this site in one sentence: you as a species have become devoid of your bodies, if we could say one thing to you is, “Get back into your bodies!”.
So, how do you do this? Where have you gone? For as long as you are on earth you cannot leave your body completely without dying and that is simply all death is, the removal of the eternal from that which is temporal. The body is temporal, so whilst you are in this temporal environment, where do you go? This is a question we ask often. This answer, in your language, is into your heads. You have become, as a species, interested with everything that is to do with other people. Many of you have not noticed this. Lives have been created to say something to another person, as a matter of status or value system or fitting in to the group of choice. Depending on where you are you may wish to become more white, more black, more pale, more dark. Look at what you do to your bodies. For most of you there is an eternal quest with thinness, at what cost? At the cost of your body. Again this is a statement of wishing a life, including your physical body, to reflect something for someone else. Careers are chosen, partners are chosen, food can be chosen as statements of who you wish to be or who you believe you are.
Whilst there is nothing wrong with wanting something to make you happy, if there is no connection with self and you are doing it for the attention and appreciation of another, you cannot ever know what happiness is and this is where the problem lies. Your defence mechanism, your get-out clause- and by this we mean your defence mechanism against living as your get- out clause is death-, is activated, and the vehicle is cancer. Whilst this will seem very confronting to many of you, we ask you to take time and look at who you truly are. Look at the life you live. We ask you to ascertain: Are you in this life? You can only do that by being, firstly, within your body. Being in your life- you can’t escape it until you leave it, unless you move into your mind, the head, and this is the first mechanism of death.
It is a statement to your spirit that you wish to leave. Now this may not be your intention. Your intention might simply be that you want to have a better car, to want to be richer, to be wiser, to be thinner, to be more youthful, to be stronger. What is misunderstood is that often, if these deep desires do not come from within, they activate the first part of your defence mechanism against living which is exiting life. Cancer is not the only route but it is the strongest route via the body for exiting. There are others that allow the mind to exit first and you call these states mental illness. This allows the body to endure longer than the mind. But it is also the activation of a defence mechanism.
GUIDES: Good Morning, Fiona, Good Evening, Zoe
Today we begin our conversation and hope to help others by shedding a little light, from a spiritual perspective, on cancer. We are part of the spiritual force; when you give us your thoughts, desires, worries, troubles, we hear them. We are like the in-between- you- and- God. We understand that this is a topic that is hotly contested. It is a sore point for humanity and there is much misunderstanding about why we have this, why you endure this and how you can help to create lives around, through, with and get over this illness.
So, let us begin. Cancer is a mechanism that is natural within the body. It is not an ogre or a demon. It has not been sent to humanity as a punishment. It is simply a mechanism within the body that rises and falls; as blood sugar rises, as blood sugar falls. The body is designed for this. The body understands that it moves from peaks to troughs in order to find its own homeostasis. When cancer takes hold and forms what you would call ‘a mass’ there has been a break in the homeostasis of the body: there has been a rising without the fall.
Now we wish to speak generally on this topic. We wish to shed light on the prevalence of this topic. These are broad strokes that we paint with. But our hope and belief is that each of you, as you read this information, will take away something that will help you return to balance. That may even provide you with a breakthrough to help your body achieve better levels of this homeostasis that we speak about.
This level of homeostasis is different from what a medical professional would describe as ‘homeostasis’ but the concept is broadly the same. So understanding that the body simply moves in cycles is crucial. There will be risings and falls in every system. There are days when you can be said to have cancer or days when you can be free of cancers, that you will feel better in body and feel worse in body. There are days where muscles work better and muscles work less whether you have had a diagnosis or not. This is simply the process of homeostasis. So, let us take this foreward.
Your body is a vehicle which was designed to function in this dimension that you call ‘earth’. This vehicle was designed with a different environment in mind and it was designed to provide you with stealth and performance. You are united with your body for as long as you are in earthly life. This union, for as long as it lasts, is a very strong union and it takes a lot to break this union. Have you ever wondered how much abuse a body can take? We marvel at the miraculous comebacks of the body. Now, many of you may be reading this and praying and hoping for a comeback from your situation.
We say that the body can always comeback; it is just a matter of extent. Think about what you have done with your body in the past. How you have pushed it, how you might have over exercised it, over fed it, given it too much alcohol. Think about how you have not moved your body in the past and your body has become weakened, lethargic and, we would say, very passive. You may have come back from that. The body itself requires you to do one thing: Listen to its needs. And here is where the problem arises. Here is why we speak on this matter.
To summarise the entire contents of this site in one sentence: you as a species have become devoid of your bodies, if we could say one thing to you is, “Get back into your bodies!”.
So, how do you do this? Where have you gone? For as long as you are on earth you cannot leave your body completely without dying and that is simply all death is, the removal of the eternal from that which is temporal. The body is temporal, so whilst you are in this temporal environment, where do you go? This is a question we ask often. This answer, in your language, is into your heads. You have become, as a species, interested with everything that is to do with other people. Many of you have not noticed this. Lives have been created to say something to another person, as a matter of status or value system or fitting in to the group of choice. Depending on where you are you may wish to become more white, more black, more pale, more dark. Look at what you do to your bodies. For most of you there is an eternal quest with thinness, at what cost? At the cost of your body. Again this is a statement of wishing a life, including your physical body, to reflect something for someone else. Careers are chosen, partners are chosen, food can be chosen as statements of who you wish to be or who you believe you are.
Whilst there is nothing wrong with wanting something to make you happy, if there is no connection with self and you are doing it for the attention and appreciation of another, you cannot ever know what happiness is and this is where the problem lies. Your defence mechanism, your get-out clause- and by this we mean your defence mechanism against living as your get- out clause is death-, is activated, and the vehicle is cancer. Whilst this will seem very confronting to many of you, we ask you to take time and look at who you truly are. Look at the life you live. We ask you to ascertain: Are you in this life? You can only do that by being, firstly, within your body. Being in your life- you can’t escape it until you leave it, unless you move into your mind, the head, and this is the first mechanism of death.
It is a statement to your spirit that you wish to leave. Now this may not be your intention. Your intention might simply be that you want to have a better car, to want to be richer, to be wiser, to be thinner, to be more youthful, to be stronger. What is misunderstood is that often, if these deep desires do not come from within, they activate the first part of your defence mechanism against living which is exiting life. Cancer is not the only route but it is the strongest route via the body for exiting. There are others that allow the mind to exit first and you call these states mental illness. This allows the body to endure longer than the mind. But it is also the activation of a defence mechanism.
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