Friday, 11 March 2011

14:Surrender & the power of the mind

Here is the next information download from the guides. Please post any questions you may have in the comments section and join as a follower. Fiona


FIONA: Many people speak of “the secret“ to spontaneous remission from cancer, being when you completely surrender to God.

Can you shed any light on this?

GUIDES: Yes, it is akin to death, a death of the living, before a life is taken. It’s a complete surrendering, a faith, a trust. An absolute knowing of what will be, will be. A facing of mortality.

This is terrifying for many people, particularly to those who have no profound faith in God or a Being, or a force such as God. You have felt this. Are you prepared for God to take your life? When you say “Yes”, the surrender process happens and you are able to get on with the business of living. It is a good way of being. You often have images of a grim reaper that simply appears. In some ways, this process is becoming friends with the grim reaper and understanding there is no fear from this, simply a transition. From a physiological perspective the relief at not having to play God with yourself is so immense it can, occasionally, and we say occasionally, create cataclysmic change within the body. This can be known as a spontaneous remission.

What do we mean by playing God?

Thinking that you actually have the deciding factor of whether you die or not. Life is best lived in combination with a faith in a force that directs and guides all living and dying processes. This does not take away any of your ability to make choices, except for the final one. This can be devastating for some people. For it is as if they forget that at some stage they will have to exit. Not this time, not this way, they may say. Do you understand this? Getting in touch with the body and having faith in the cycles of life is a very good combination for restoring greater levels of health. Do you wish to ask us more on this?

FIONA: Yes, you mentioned it is about having an absolute knowing that there is a higher power. How does one achieve this?

GUIDES: For those who do not have this already, this is called the process of surrender. You cannot get this as you can a packet of a food substance. But you can fall on your knees and say there is something that controls the cycles of the sun, the cycles of the moon. There is something greater than me. It is my time to meet this and whatever this means for me. Can I trust that I will be ok?

The truth is that there is only ever the mind to tell you that you cannot ever be ok. The sun and the moon, the stars and the flowers, do not ask these questions. But you must. For all of you who wish to relieve your own suffering- there comes a point where you feel like you may break. If this is the path that feels like it is ahead of you: Allow yourself to break. We will be with you. It feels like a death but you will not die from this process. You will have an opportunity to be reborn into a more peaceful state. If this will mean an improvement in health: so be it. If it will not: so be that too. Remember that in the end, death cannot be cheated. Also, remember, you are only exiting a form; we really are not that bad!

FIONA: You mentioned that it is the mind that gets in the way of our having complete trust. Do you have any practical ways to overcome this?

GUIDES: Be mindful of the small voice within. Let it be heard by you. Within the medical sphere ask the questions that are burning within. Do not lose your mind in this process. Question and question the answers until there are no more burning questions left within. Your body is yours. Many of you often feel like pin cushions, or slaves to tablets and times, and hospitals. This is not the case. Start by listening to the voice and allowing yourself to ask the questions that are within. This is a good place to start.

FIONA: But many of us do feel like pin cushions and at the mercy of tablets and hospitals. Why is this not really the case? Can you elaborate?

GUIDES: It is not the case as they are not being tortured, free will has not been taken away, and they are not strapped to a bed and told they cannot move. This is medicine that is chosen. All of you who, at times, feel at the mercy of medicine, understand that this is a choice you are making in the hope that there will be healing from this. So be thankful for the options that are there as well as your ability to make choices. You are not being tortured or having your life taken away from you by Drs.

Keeping ones spirit alive to help keep one’s mind clear during treatment times is very important. Ask yourself: What would make me feel a little bit happier today? Give yourself that. This need not be anything strenuous or involving great monetary value. Simply an afternoon movie, a book, a smile, a breath of fresh air. Keep your spirits up. Work to keep your spirits up. Your suffering will be greatly alleviated from the mind. All of you have the option to talk to us. We listen and listen willingly and with kind ears.